
Submission to

inform the effective


of a fit for purpose

Santiago Network

for Loss and Damage

BY The Loss and Damage Collaboration
14 / 03 / 2022
Arusha, Tanzania.

In response to the UNFCCC's call for submissions for consideration at SB56 from Parties and relevant organizations on their views on the following aspects of the Santiago network:

Operational modalities;  


The role of the Ex Com and its expert groups, task force and technical expert group;

The role of L&D contact points and other relevant stakeholders;

Possible elements for the terms of reference of a potential convening or coordinating body that may provide secretarial services to facilitate work under the Santiago network.

The Loss and Damage Collaboration's Santiago Network Project prepared the following submission to inform the effective operationalisation of a fit for purpose Santiago Network for Loss and Damage.

This submission follows two briefs where first guiding principles were identified for decision makers that could serve as a litmus test for a fit for purpose Santiago Network for Loss and Damage (Santiago Network); and second the question "what is Loss and Damage?" was answered as the brief sought to explain through storytelling the parameters of the challenge that the Santiago Network will need to address.

This submission turns to the more technical question of how should the Santiago Network operate and how should it be structured. The submissions work through each of the guiding topics that will comprise the negotiations on the institutional arrangements of the Santiago Network under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2022.

It is fitting to pause to note the the release of the second part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report by Working Group II (WGII) on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Action. This report has 270 authors from 67 countries who “assessed the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human communities at global and regional levels, their vulnerabilities, adaptation capacities and limits as well as options for achieving climate resilient development”. It contains many lessons and important guidance for the operationalisation of a fit for purpose Santiago Network which will be able to contribute to achieving many of the actions that WGII considered crucial to the sustainability of the planet.

Reflecting on the words of WGII co-chair Dr Debra Roberts, we need processes to allow us to monitor and evaluate our interventions in a variety of sectors across different levels of society including a new partnership between policy and science and a social compact that sees the most vulnerable groups given a seat at the table: “We need to be using all of our strengths to bring the world forward”. WGII co-chair Dr Hans Otto-Pörtner commented further that “any decisions to be made during this crucial decade in climate policy are important for our long-term fate and for the sustainability of life on this planet and we need a sustainable planet for many hundreds of years to come.”

For enquiries directly related to the L&DC's Santiago Network Project submission please contact the Project Lead heidimareewhite [@]

Read the full paper here: