26 / 05 / 2024

The 2024 Bonn Climate Conference, which will see the Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60), will take place between the 3rd and 13th of June at the World Conference Center Bonn (WCCB), in Bonn, Germany. 

Agenda items  relevant to Loss and Damage that will be discussed at SB60 include: 

• The development of the terms of reference for the 2024 review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM);

• The first Annual Global Stocktake Dialogue;

• The Third and final Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage;

• The Expert Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change;

• The Expert Dialogue on the Disproportionate Impacts of Climate Change on Children and Relevant Policy Solutions; and; 

• The 10th Technical Expert Dialogue (TED 10) and the 2nd Meeting of the Ad Hoc Work Program (MAHWP 2) meeting of the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate finance (NCQG). 

This living document provides a summary of each of the items above, links to relevant documents and webpages, and the Loss and Damage Collaboration’s key messages and/or expectations for progress on each issue.

Read the full text here: