



and the Warsaw


Mechanism for

Loss and Damage

by SLYCAN Trust
10 / 10 / 2020
Video credit: SLYCAN Trust

In this webinar organized by SLYCAN Trust the panel discus climate change, migration, displacement, the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM), and the Task Force on Displacement and delves deep into how climate change links to human mobility and how to address this under the WIM.

Climate change impacts are affecting patterns of migration, displacement, and human mobility, especially in vulnerable developing countries such as Sri Lanka. The WIM was established to address losses and damages associated with climate change, and there is a Task Force on Displacement that aims to develop recommendations for integrated approaches to avert, minimize, and address climate-related displacement.

With presentations by:

Miwa Kato, UNFCCC

Atle Solberg, Platform on Disaster Displacement

Mariam Traore Chazalnoel, IOM

Dennis Mombauer, SLYCAN Trust