The discussion paper discusses the establishment of the new Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage (FLD) and aims to calculate fair shares for countries in providing finance to address loss and damage (L&D) caused by climate change impacts. It emphasises the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in determining fair shares for providing L&D finance. The paper aims to inform and catalyse advocacy on the topic of climate justice, ultimately strengthening the discourse around fair L&D finance provision. Furthermore, the paper's findings aim to inform the long-term funding structure and fundraising strategy for the FLD. It aims to hold countries accountable for their future L&D finance contributions and inform on their performance compared to that of other countries. Additionally, the paper's findings are highly relevant to the international debate around climate finance, particularly the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), and make an important novel contribution to the discussion around the climate finance contributor base.